

Author: Shish


Some search methods provided by extensions:

  • Numeric Score
    • score (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- seach by score
    • upvoted_by=Username -- search for a user's likes
    • downvoted_by=Username -- search for a user's dislikes
    • upvoted_by_id=UserID -- search for a user's likes by user ID
    • downvoted_by_id=UserID -- search for a user's dislikes by user ID
    • order=score_(ASC, DESC) -- find all posts sorted from by score
  • Post Rating
    • rating=se -- find safe and explicit posts, ignore questionable and unknown
  • Favorites
    • favorites (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search for posts favourited a certain number of times
    • favourited_by=Username -- search for a user's choices by username
    • favorited_by_userno=UserID -- search for a user's choice by userID
  • Notes
    • notes (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search by the number of notes a post has
    • notes_by=Username -- search for posts containing notes created by username
    • notes_by_userno=UserID -- search for posts containing notes created by userID
  • Artists
    • author=ArtistName -- search for posts by artist
  • Post Comments
    • comments (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search for posts by number of comments
    • commented_by=Username -- search for posts containing user's comments by username
    • commented_by_userno=UserID -- search for posts containing user's comments by userID
  • Pools
    • pool=(PoolID, any, none) -- search for posts in a pool by PoolID.
    • pool_by_name=PoolName -- search for posts in a pool by PoolName. underscores are replaced with spaces
  • Post Relationships
    • parent=(parentID, any, none) -- search for posts by parentID / if they have, do not have a parent
    • child=(any, none) -- search for posts which have, or do not have children

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