
Extension Manager


Recount / Rename / Etc

Allow users to make comments on images
Show a list of uploaded posts

File Handling
Handle MP3 files
Handle JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, etc files
Regenerate a thumbnail image
Allows people to replace files for existing posts
This extension allows admins to resize images.

Edit the alias list
Adds autocomplete to search & tagging.
Turns BBCode into HTML
Allow users to filter out tags.
Allows displaying a page with random posts
Do things with a random post
Show various bits of system information
Allow users to write a bit about themselves

Allows the user to add a browser 'plugin' to search the site with real-time suggestions
Allow Danbooru apps like Danbooru Uploader for Firefox to communicate with Shimmie
Ouroboros-like API for Shimmie
Self explanatory
Self explanatory

Allow images to have metadata locked
Allow images to have owners assigned to them
Allow users to rate images "safe", "questionable" or "explicit"
Tracks & displays how many times a post is viewed
Allow images to have sources assigned to them
Allow images to have tags assigned to them